

Monday, February 28, 2011

Last day of california / shout out!

Today is monday, and its the last full day in california. I'm depressed. I'll leave my grandparents, aunt, uncle, adorable cousins and california. :'( We're gonna leave tomorrow at like 11 AM. don't u just hate saying goodbye??? when I get back i'll upload as many photos as possible from my trip.

I would like to give a shout out to my best buds Samantha, Maria and Gwen! I couldn't possibly live without u guys!!! thanks for always being there for me and all those amazing memories! :) can't wait to c u wen i get back from Cali! :*

recently my sister made a blog. this is the adress: http://www.californiagirl911.blogspot.com/ she hasn't posted anything on it yet, but will soon, so plz support her for me! =)

plz check my blog out soon and look for the pics! i wont be here tomoro because i'm gonna fly to massachusetts. ugh. jet lag. i'm going to go to the airport at 11 AM, wait a few hours/check in/go through security, fly to salt lake city in utah, wait there a few hours, take a second flight that will be like 5 hours to boston, arrive at midnight becuase of the 3 hour time change, drive home (1/2 hour) get ready for school and go to bed at 1 AM. wake up 6 hours later for school while missing california and my family greatly.


haha. hope everyone has a wonderful day!!!
signing off,
Olivia, Livi, Liv, Liverz etc


  1. i cant wait to read your sisters blog so tell her to get something up there quick!!!

  2. http://www.ehow.com/how_5816405_5000-views-blog-per-day.html





    love carl

  3. you should remind people to follow your blog. When you have more followers, you get more followers!

  4. OMG you have to use google adsense! It is AMAZING! I swear by it, trust me, I've never seen anything more spectacular!

  5. congrats on 400 views on your blog!

  6. Hey. Can you like totally give me fashion advice?! I bet you have great style!!

