

Thursday, February 17, 2011

Advice Column #1 / California!

I got two emails asking me for advice and here they are:

 i get very bored on the internet + have nothing 2 do but facebook and im. Are there any sites i can go 2 so i wont b soo bored?

Dear Stacyyy,
I also like to spend time on the internet, some places I go to are:
~facebook - just like you!
~my blogging site (i use blogger.com as you can tell. you should also make a blog - its really fun!!)
~girlslife.com or some other website from a magazine
~http://answers.yahoo.com/ here you can ask or answer questions! it can be really fun, funny and amusing.
~youtube.com <-- more specifically you can visit the following: smosh, nigahiga, brittanilouisetaylor, barelypolitical, theonion, juicystar07, howcast and TONS more!!
~flickr.com for my photos if you're into photography. My link btw is this: http://www.flickr.com/photos/olivias-cool-photos/ so ya please check it out!
those are just a few. but remember that you can't spend your whole life on the computer! spend time with friends or family, help around the house, develop a talent. But once in a while is good!

I am very very very very scared of planes!!!! Whenever we take off I always think the engine will fail and we'll drop out of the sky or some bird will get stuck in the engine!!!! What should I doooo????????

Dear afraidofplanes,
As a matter of fact, I'm also EXTREMELY scared of planes! my family is going to california tomorrow and i'm freaking out! But here are some things to know/do to make you feel better:
* Part of what i'm scared of is the steep tilt when starting off. What i do is I put my chest to my knees so it feels like we're on a flat surface that is just loud. I usually sing an annoying kids song or something to keep me preoccupied.
* when on the plane take a book or a game or something to keep your mind off the plane. when you're cruising and when people walk around is a time when you don't have to be afraid.
* When landing just focus on the beautiful view from your window and daydream about what you'll do when you get there. The pilots know what they are doing and they have probably been doing this for many years.
Some statistics:
* the probability of an accident are 1 in 11 million!!! but for a car its 1 in 5000. so clearly planes are MUCH safer than cars!!! and who is afraid of driving a car?~
* nearly 96% of people in crashes survive.
So don't be afraid!! have fun!!

that was the first advice column!!! yayayayayayaya!!! :D keep emailing me for quality advice at: oceangirl3863@aol.com or sunshine5621@yahoo.com or fruitytuttygal@gmail.com either ones work!!

So on Friday (at 4 am :P) i'm going to California. I'll try to update this blog as often as i can and when i come back i'll upload some pictures.


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