

Monday, June 27, 2011

interesting blog!!

hey guys!! please check out:


its really cool!! and its just like this blog!

Tuesday, March 8, 2011


the blog http://www.fruitytuttygal.blogspot.com/ has been moved to:
that is the new site address for my blog. So please go there instead!!!!
sorry for the confusion!

Thursday, March 3, 2011

Advice Column #3, 500 VIEWS!!!, What do you collect???

Aloha my fellow blog-viewers!! I would like to just begin by saying that this blog got its first 500 views!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! thank you all so much for stopping by and reading my blog! it really means a lot to me :) So keep the views coming and I'll keep posting the posts! :) :D :* =) =] =D

What do you collect?
I collect notebooks, erasers and recently started collecting phone charms! :) Look below + you'll see them

I love collecting food and animal erasers! they r so cute! check iwako.com for more :)

I've recently started to collect phone charms, but because my phone isn't designed to have phone charms I put them all on bag zippers - its so cute and a nice fashion accessory :) bag- vera bradley-villager-loves me

Ah yes, my notebooks. I always seem to bother my family when I buy them because I have so many and I only use about 10% of them! I just can't help it!

Those were all of my collections for you! :) Now tell me what you collect in the comment section of this blog. (I now changed it so that anyone can comment, not only google users, so comment away!!)

I have recently gotten another email asking for advice from an anonymous person.

 i can not really get attention from boys. I'm fifteen now and have never had a boyfriend (i know its so embarrassing!) I have a bunch of guy friends but they don't seem to like like me! all of my friends have boyfriends and I'm reallllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllly jealous! Boys are so cute but they are NOT all i care about. what do you think i should do? -anonymous 
Dear Anon,
            First you have to ask yourself why? To look good in front of others? To fit in? To actually have a romantic relationship? Figure out whether its really worth it or if you crave a boyfriend just because your friends have one. If you really want a boyfriend you could possibly (?) ask the guy out yourself. Sometimes it's the girl that asks the guy out. Also ask yourself, what makes you jealous? Is it because they have a companion like that and you don't? That they are more 'mature'? You should first ask yourself these questions before moving on.
             Maybe you should take your mind off of boys and the jealousy that your friends have one and you don't. Why not meet other people and maybe invite them over to your house? Join a school club or activity outside of school? Who knows, maybe theres a boyfriend for you out there somewhere! If you're really desperate you could maybe think about your appearance a bit more. Maybe some more makeup or more clothes? I know its wrong to judge a person by his/her looks, but face it, we all do some time or another!
              Don't worry that much about not having a boyfriend. I mean, I don't have one either! I bet most of the girls at your school don't have one. So don't worry!
Good luck! <3

Need advice? Write to any of these emails: oceangirl3863@aol.com or sunshine5621@yahoo.com

Hope you enjoyed this post everyone!! :)

***PS I added even more pictures on flickr from my vacation in california!! please check all of them out and tell me what you think in the comments! www.flickr.com/olivias-cool-photos

Wednesday, March 2, 2011

back to reality :P

Let me tell you something.
When you go from this:
                      to this:
It makes you want to cry.
That's what I did when I left california and came back to see all this snow. :P back to reality I guess.
Anyway, I uploaded a bunch of pics on my flickr account: www.flickr.com/olivias-cool-pictures from vacation. I didn't put up all of them, so keep waiting for the rest! :)

Monday, February 28, 2011

Last day of california / shout out!

Today is monday, and its the last full day in california. I'm depressed. I'll leave my grandparents, aunt, uncle, adorable cousins and california. :'( We're gonna leave tomorrow at like 11 AM. don't u just hate saying goodbye??? when I get back i'll upload as many photos as possible from my trip.

I would like to give a shout out to my best buds Samantha, Maria and Gwen! I couldn't possibly live without u guys!!! thanks for always being there for me and all those amazing memories! :) can't wait to c u wen i get back from Cali! :*

recently my sister made a blog. this is the adress: http://www.californiagirl911.blogspot.com/ she hasn't posted anything on it yet, but will soon, so plz support her for me! =)

plz check my blog out soon and look for the pics! i wont be here tomoro because i'm gonna fly to massachusetts. ugh. jet lag. i'm going to go to the airport at 11 AM, wait a few hours/check in/go through security, fly to salt lake city in utah, wait there a few hours, take a second flight that will be like 5 hours to boston, arrive at midnight becuase of the 3 hour time change, drive home (1/2 hour) get ready for school and go to bed at 1 AM. wake up 6 hours later for school while missing california and my family greatly.


haha. hope everyone has a wonderful day!!!
signing off,
Olivia, Livi, Liv, Liverz etc

Thursday, February 24, 2011

random shtuffff

Dear palm trees of California,
Please come with me to massachusetts. I know it may not be the perfect Californian weather, maybe about 30 degrees less, but we have blankets and heaters!! :) Plus there is room on the plane in the bottom!! You'll meet new friends like oaks and pines! I just can't stand leaving you!!!

haha i had to. But seriously, I really don't want to leave California!! Thats why i'm begging my mom if we can steal my two ADORABLE cousins Lindsay and Emily, a few palm trees and maybe some of the warm weather and bring it all to MA.
I can't believe its already Thursday, I'll be going back home in 6 days and I'll miss school, which is bad because i have to make up a math and english test and catch up on all piles of high school homework. :P Vacation is really too short!!! *Would you rather have 2 months of summer vacation but 2 day weekends, or 1 month of vacation and 3 day weekends? ( i'll make it into a poll so you can answer!)
I would rather have 1 month of summer vaca and 3 day weekends bc i like it when free time is spread out, that way its less stressful.

I'll try to post some pictures up from my vacation on here as soon as possible!
Hope everyone has an amazing break and has as much fun as possible!

Peace out <3 <3 <3

Tuesday, February 22, 2011

California part one

hello people! It's Tuesday, and I've been in California for four days now. It went by soo quickly!! On Sunday and Monday my family went on a road trip to see Carmel, Santa Cruz and Monterey. In Carmel we saw a beautiful missionary and a wineary. Did you know that in California people built missionaries every 30 miles and built towns off of it? That's where all the Santa and Sans came from. (San Francisco, Santa Cruz etc) As always the missionary had a spanish roof and taste with palm trees and colorful flowers. In Carmel we also saw a wineary (idk if thats even a word!! but its a place where you make wine).
In Monterey we went on the 17 mile drive where famous celebrities and billionaires live. The houses were GIGANTIC and SUPER fancy!! Plus they had a view of the ocean. On the 17 mile drive we also saw the lone cypress, you know, that tree that shows up at the end of a ton of movies? google it and you'll remember.
Lastly, in Santa Cruz we just walked on the long boardwalk near the beach. It was very pretty because it was in the evening and there was an amusement park so there were many lights. We also had good ice cream :)
I really wanted to post some pictures from the trip but idk how to transfer the pictures onto the computer.
Hope everyone's having a SUPER DUPER vacation!!!!!!! :)

Saturday, February 19, 2011

greeted in sunny, wonderful california by....rain?

heyyyyyy peeps! So I arrived in California yesterday and it was pretty special. It was rainy all day and it was very cold, the PERFECT weather for my amazing Cali! (note the sarcasm). Today I went to the mall and it's very different than the one in Natick. I got a sweatshirt and one of those light grey sweaters with a brown belt. BTW how do you spell grey? grey or gray? Oh yeah, and joking around with the security camera at the store is really fun! ;)
anyway, tomorrow I'm going to travel around California towards the south. We'll go to Carmel, Monterey and Santa Cruz. :D I really can't wait and its gonna b very fun! I'm trying to write down every single memory and thing that happened so I don't forget. That way, I'll avoid that horrible feeling that time goes by too quickly when I look back at everything I did! You should do that, I recommend it.
*"don't be upset that something ended, be glad that it happened". - Dr. Suess
I hope we all have a good break!
I'll try to write about everything that happens on this blog! :)

Thursday, February 17, 2011

Advice Column #2

Howdy ya'll!! i recently recieved two emails from my friend Lucy asking for advice here they are:

This girl kinda used to be my friend. Then she started acting mean to me! For instance, she often ignores me for no reason. Then also sometimes she gathers with some of her friends and they laugh and whisper. I have an inkling that that is about me. Could you please PlEaSe tell me what to say to her? I'm a bit timid so I can't yell at her.

Dear Lucy,
I'm so sorry that happened!! You may be at an age where girls just want to fit in with the popular crowd and are very insecure! I hope it stops!
Whatever you do DO NOT use the internet! (no emails, IMs, facebook messages etc) it would be a huge mistake! In middle school I sent an email to my "friend" asking her what's wrong and why she was upset, my inbox flooded with hate messages and it was terrible, so please don't do that.
Now, talk to her very straightforwadly, calmly, and honestly. Begin by saying something like "I feel like I did something wrong, are you upset about something?"or "I was kind of hurt by the whispering around me, did I do anything to upset you?" say these things in a very calm way and make it look like its all your fault (even though we know its not!) so that way she won't turn her defensive mode on and start to insult you with her other friends. Once she does though, then you should use your best judgement and defend yourself in a good way, or talk to a parent.
If those things don't work, find new friends. Talk to another girl and invite her over to your house for a movie, or just to hang out. You shouldn't feel forced to spend time with your mean friends. It may seem very difficult at first, but you'll get used to it and it will be easy.
If all else fails, talk to your mom. If she has a good relationship with the mom of your "friend" ask her to gather some info on what has been going on with her recently. Maybe its not you? What if her parents are getting divorced and she's letting it out on you?
Good luck and I hope for the best for you!!

Second email:
My best friend has become ObSsEd with boys lately. I like boys but its not all i want to talk and think about. I feel like we have less to talk about nowadays. Also, she is also in LoVe with makeup, which I don't like at all. If you could offer any advice about what to do it would be so thoughtful. I don't want us to stop being BFFLS for something cooky like this.
Dear Lucy,
I really hope you don't lose your best friend for something like this. What about doing something with her that you both like? Shopping, horse-back riding, swimming, watching a movie you both really like? Something to get the frienship going on again. Maybe you could possibly (?) try out what she has been talking about. Who knows? Maybe putting on crazy makeup and having a photo shoot with your favorite music will be fun? Or prank calling that guy you also had a crush on? You can always spend time with her and add a twist to the boring things she has been talking about. If you really don't like any of these things and you have nothing to talk about with her, then it may be time for you two to take a break from each other. You really can't force yourself to be friends with a person you don't want to be friends with.
Join some clubs at school with kids that have the same interests as you. Sewing, writing, photography? Just join any of these clubs and meet new kids that you can relate to and that you have in common with, your BFFL isn't the only person on earth!
Good luck Lucy!!

Dear Lucy, if you are reading this I hope it helped you! Please recommend this site to your friends: http://www.fruitytuttygal.blogspot.com/ and email me if you have any other questions or concerns! im here for you! :) that goes to everyone that is!!!


<3 peace <3 love <3 life <3

Advice Column #1 / California!

I got two emails asking me for advice and here they are:

 i get very bored on the internet + have nothing 2 do but facebook and im. Are there any sites i can go 2 so i wont b soo bored?

Dear Stacyyy,
I also like to spend time on the internet, some places I go to are:
~facebook - just like you!
~my blogging site (i use blogger.com as you can tell. you should also make a blog - its really fun!!)
~girlslife.com or some other website from a magazine
~http://answers.yahoo.com/ here you can ask or answer questions! it can be really fun, funny and amusing.
~youtube.com <-- more specifically you can visit the following: smosh, nigahiga, brittanilouisetaylor, barelypolitical, theonion, juicystar07, howcast and TONS more!!
~flickr.com for my photos if you're into photography. My link btw is this: http://www.flickr.com/photos/olivias-cool-photos/ so ya please check it out!
those are just a few. but remember that you can't spend your whole life on the computer! spend time with friends or family, help around the house, develop a talent. But once in a while is good!

I am very very very very scared of planes!!!! Whenever we take off I always think the engine will fail and we'll drop out of the sky or some bird will get stuck in the engine!!!! What should I doooo????????

Dear afraidofplanes,
As a matter of fact, I'm also EXTREMELY scared of planes! my family is going to california tomorrow and i'm freaking out! But here are some things to know/do to make you feel better:
* Part of what i'm scared of is the steep tilt when starting off. What i do is I put my chest to my knees so it feels like we're on a flat surface that is just loud. I usually sing an annoying kids song or something to keep me preoccupied.
* when on the plane take a book or a game or something to keep your mind off the plane. when you're cruising and when people walk around is a time when you don't have to be afraid.
* When landing just focus on the beautiful view from your window and daydream about what you'll do when you get there. The pilots know what they are doing and they have probably been doing this for many years.
Some statistics:
* the probability of an accident are 1 in 11 million!!! but for a car its 1 in 5000. so clearly planes are MUCH safer than cars!!! and who is afraid of driving a car?~
* nearly 96% of people in crashes survive.
So don't be afraid!! have fun!!

that was the first advice column!!! yayayayayayaya!!! :D keep emailing me for quality advice at: oceangirl3863@aol.com or sunshine5621@yahoo.com or fruitytuttygal@gmail.com either ones work!!

So on Friday (at 4 am :P) i'm going to California. I'll try to update this blog as often as i can and when i come back i'll upload some pictures.


Wednesday, February 16, 2011

need advice??

hey everyone!! soo as you know, i love to give advice to other people and help them solve their problems. If you have any problems just email me and i'll try to write back to you!! i can also post the questions and answers on the blog, if anyone has the same problem.
you can email me here:
sunshine5621@yahoo.com     or      oceangirl3863@aol.com       or      fruitytuttygal@gmail.com 
need a quick answer? Go here: http://answers.yahoo.com/

Monday, February 7, 2011

Random Memories :)

hey everyone!! Just got back from school so I decided to take a break and write in this blog! :) I had a good day, just got my report card back :/ I did slightly better than before, which is good. ANyway, today I still have a flute lesson and I'm playing Elegrie (Donjon), Nocturne, and this other one. I recently tried out for the Junior Districts and I played Sonata in F major. I didn't get in though :( I got sooo nervous, my heart was beating and I was trembling. When I started to play the air wouldn't go in right because of my trembling! I was very close though, and it's funny to think because the whole process and steps were so easy, it was just my nervousness that took over and got the best of me. :( You win some,you lose some, I guess....
Anyway, I chose to write down a random memory when I feel like it. It isn't linked with anything, its just random!
*Going to Tijuana, Mexico*
During February break of 2010 my family and I went to California, to visit my cousins, aunt, uncle and grandparents. California is probably my favorite state, its GORGEOUS, the climate is perfect for me, i have a TON of good times there and its just a place for relaxing and creating life long memories. :') So we were going to San Diego to visit the zoo and travel around. We saw Old Town which is a small city close to San Diego. It's like someone took all the amazing qualities of Mexico (its food, culture, landscapes) dragged it out and crossed the border. I litteraly felt like I was in Mexico there!! (BTW they have amazing burritos, my favorite food!!) Anyway, when we were in San Diego, my sister kept nagging my mom so we could visit another country. For me being like 'oh hey lets go visit another country today!' is nothing THAT special. So then we were all like 'hey we're so close to Mexico, why not cross the border and see what its like over there'. Thats what we did. We went through this very long line. There were posters of children that were kidnapped or people that crossed the border illegally. When we crossed the border it was COMPLETELY different. It kinda scared me. There were many homeless people, when we drove through the roads people kept trying to sell us things through the window, there were outdoor stores. We drew a lot of attention because we are white people in a taxi visiting a poor, 3rd world city. It's so strange how different these two worlds are and how it only took 30 minutes to cross the border. Overall though, I thought it was interesting and very unique and an experience that is completely new to me.
Soooo that was my first random memory!! hope you all enjoyed!
Have to go now do hw :P